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out of the fog中文是什么意思

用"out of the fog"造句"out of the fog"怎么读"out of the fog" in a sentence


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  • The ship came into sight out of the fog .
  • A huge shape loomed up out of the fog
  • There was something far more unpleasant arriving out of the fog
  • There was something far more unpleasant arriving out of the fog
  • The iceberg loomed out of the fog
  • A truck materialized out of the fog
  • Orcas also have the sensor pods that when placed will continuously scan that area for stealthed units , and simply to keep that area out of the fog
  • He stood without stirring , looking at the heights that rose out of the fog , and his cold face wore that peculiar shade of confident , self - complacent happiness , seen on the face of a happy boy in love
  • I d see him standing my watch on top of his n , stead of calling me , so i could go on sleeping ; and see him how glad he was when i come back out of the fog ; and when i come to him again in the swamp , up there where the feud was ; and such - like times ; and would always call me honey , and pet me and do everything he could think of for me , and how good he always was ; and at last i struck the time i saved him by telling the men we had small - pox aboard , and he was so grateful , and said i was the best friend old jim ever had in the world , and the only one he s got now ; and then i happened to look around and see that paper
用"out of the fog"造句  
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